
Campaigns are how you manage your splits, goals, and various tip settings.

Currently, every page is setup with a default campaign. We’re working on allowing multiple campaigns per page and would love to hear your feedback.

Invite your team

Inviting your team to your campaign is easy! You get a shareable URL that is unique to your campaign and good for up to 7 days. Your team members just sign up or sign in with the link provided.

You can refresh the link at any time to get a new invite link - note: this changes the invite-code and the old link will no longer work.

Splitting tips

Splits are how you share tips with your team. You can add up to 50 team members to your campaign to split tips.

How it works

At the time a tip is received, the tip is allocated to team members with verified payout accounts based on how the percent they are configured to receive.

If there are team members with unverified payout accounts, their share is allocated to the rest of the team based on the rest of the tip splits.

Setting up goals

Goals control the progress bar displayed on your page as well as provide an embed link to be used as an overlay for software like OBS Studio.

As you can see above, you can customize the amounts, colors, and labels for your goals.

More customization options are coming soon!

Additional settings

There are several additional configuration options for your campaign to fine-tune your experience.

  • Leaderboard: Controls whether or not you want to display monthly top contributors on your page.

  • Anonymous tip names: Allows you to hide the names of tippers on your page. This can be usefuly for adding additional moderation control to your page.

  • Tip messages: Allows you to disable the ability for tippers to leave messages.

  • Display tip amounts: Allows you to hide the amounts of tips on your page.

  • Display individual tip splits: Allows you to show individual splits or group by “Team” and “Owner”.

  • Minimum tip amount: Allows you to set a minimum tip amount for your page.

  • Minimum tip amount for messages: Gives an additional control to require a minimum tip amount to leave a message on your page.

  • Suggested tip amounts: Controls the 4 default options for suggested tip amounts on your page.